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bloom daniels 02 - lightening bloom Page 4

  Bloom laughs harder at my discloser and Pike joins in. Tucker growls. “Jesus! Why?”

  “Because, we’re heading in to an unknown wolf’s territory. If something were to happen to you and Pike I want to make sure Bloom and I are covered.”

  “Nothing’s going to happen to Pike or myself.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “Okay. Say something does happen to us. What do you think you can do with all of that? Do you even know how to use it?”

  I pull my white double shoulder holster out of the bag, slipping it on over my peach top and strapping it in place. I grab one of the two .45’s laying on the floor and hold it up. I stroke my hand down the barrel, making sure the safety is on, and then slide it in place on my holster. I do the same with the second gun. I grab some extra clips and add them as well. Then I slowly lift my gaze to Tuckers. “I’ll have you know I was raised with a gun in my hand. Taught by a Grandmother who was a better shot than any man. You want to keep doubting me I’ll be more than happy to demonstrate my skills.”

  “Damn that’s hot.” Tucker smirks, still meeting me eye to eye.

  “We just crossed into the pack territory.” Pike informs us, breaking into my power display. “Bonnie you can’t shoot your mate, so put the damn guns away.”

  “But!” I whine.

  “Away!” He orders.

  Bloom attempts to push herself up in a sitting position. I go to her to help. “Tennessee, I think she should keep them on.”

  “Your gut?”

  Bloom nods and then adds. “Also, we shouldn’t mention any “gut” instincts around these wolves. I don’t know why I just feel like we should keep it our secret.”

  “Do you feel like they’re a danger to you?” Pike asks. The worry is showing in his voice.

  “No, not at the moment. But I feel like we shouldn’t let our guard down.”

  Pike nods in understanding. Then speaks to the whole group. “Stay close. We’re going to get in, get the info we need, and get out. I’m hoping we’ll be on our way to the Aunt before dinner time.”

  Chapter 9 – Tucker

  The Shaw pack Alpha, and his Beta, greet us as soon as we step off the bus. The two wolves are almost identical. The only difference I can tell is that the Beta has shaggy reddish brown hair, while the Alpha’s is cropped closer to his head. They’re both tall, not as tall as me, but not many can compete with my almost seven foot frame, and though muscular they’re on the skinny side. But I know not to let that fool me because the power rolling off the pair is strong. Just not as strong Pike and myself. The Alpha introduces himself, Naven Shaw, and his twin, Nick Shaw.

  Bonnie speaks first, her mouth dropping open in awe. “Holy hot twins, Batman!”

  This, of course, causes Bloom to giggle, and Pike to chuckle. I move to Bonnie’s back and put my arms around her waist, making sure she’s tight against my chest. My fangs pop free of my gums and I bare them at the strange wolves and growl. “Mine.”

  “Over possessive, annoying freakin’ wolf! I am not yours!” Bonnie grumbles as she pushes to get out of my arms. When I don’t immediately release her she looks over her shoulder. I can tell exactly when she notices my fangs because her eyes get wide. “When did that start happening?”

  I close my eyes and will my fangs to go back. When my teeth are back to normal I tell her. “Probably around the time I discovered my mate is a sassy brunette who doesn’t know how to filter what comes out of her mouth.”

  “I can too.”

  “You never do.” I say turning her so she’s facing me.

  “I just did.” She says crossing her arms.

  “How do you see saying “Holy hot twins, Batman!” as filtering?”

  There’s a gleam of mischief in her eyes as she responds. “Because what I really wanted to say was…” She turns to the twins and winks. “Please let me be the middle in your hot twin threesome.”

  My fangs pop free, once again, as I growl in warning. “Bonnie.”

  Pike, Bloom, and Navin laugh uncontrollably. Nick, however, winks back at Bonnie with a grin on his face. I push Bonnie to stand behind me and bare my teeth at the weaker wolf. This causes him to join in with the laughter. I really am not seeing how this is funny.

  Pike pats me on the chest. “Calm down, Tuck. No one’s going to take what’s yours.”

  “I’m not his.” Bonnie huffs from behind me.

  “Bon, I wouldn’t push the big scary wolf’s buttons right now.” Bloom warns from her post at Pike’s side. She’s still extremely weak, but she’s been refusing Pike’s help. I can see on his face how much the rejection is hurting him.

  “Fine.” Bonnie pouts, but makes sure to add. “But don’t expect it to last long.”

  My fangs recede, and I smile at my sassy little mate. “Wouldn’t want it to.”

  "If the show is over. How about we go inside and discuss what you came here for.” Naven get down to business as he directs us in to the pack house. The house is a large, two story, plantation style home with porches on both levels that wrap around the front and sides, supported by pristine white columns that blend perfectly with the white of the house. It’s the last thing you’d expect to find in the back woods of West Virginia, but somehow it fits in the wooded setting this pack has made its home.

  He guides us to an office at the back of the house. The back wall is nothing but floor to ceiling windows and the other three walls are covered in over-flowing bookcases. In front of the window is an obscenely large desk. Naven takes the seat behind it with Nick standing at the right of his back and then motions for us to sit, as well. Pike and Bloom take the leather chairs directly in front of the desk, and instead of sitting Bonnie and myself stand directly behind our Alpha pair.

  “Our Elders told me you have information on the woman we’re looking for.” Gone is the broody Pike from the RV. Back straight, chin squared, eyes focused. He’s now in Alpha mode, exuding power and confidence.

  “We might.” Naven says, as he steeples his hands under his chin.

  “And?” Pike prompts.

  “And before we disclose that information we need to know why you’re looking for her.”

  “Because…” Pike starts, but a touch of Blooms hand on his arm stops him. She gives him a forced smile and a little shake of her head. He concedes and lets her take over the conversation.

  “I’m sick.”

  “Aren’t you wolf?” Naven scents the air, trying to pick up the wolf smell on Bloom. When he can’t immediately pick up the scent his brow scrunches in confusion.

  “Half. My father was human.” Bloom explains.

  “Still the shifter gene is dominant.” I can practically see the wheels turning in Naven’s head as he tries to figure out how this is possible. If this is tripping him up, when he finds out its Bloom’s mating marking causing her to be sick his mind will blow.

  “I don’t shift.” Naven’s eyes get huge, but before he can respond Bloom continues. “And my mark is what’s causing me to be sick.”

  Naven and Nick gasp in shock. Bloom ignores their reactions. “The lady we’re looking for is the only person who can help me.”

  The Shaw pack Alpha collects himself from the bomb Bloom just dropped and goes right back to business. “I want to help you, but she’s hidden herself for a reason. And I’ve promised to keep her location secret. I need to know why I should risk revealing her to help you.”

  Pike loses his patience, leans forward in his chair, his claws out piercing the leather, and he growls at the other Alpha. Bloom uses the little bit of energy she has to get up from her seat and force Pike back in his. She collapses into his lap, whispering words only he can hear to calm him. When his claws disappear she focuses back on Naven.

  “I respect that you’re trying to protect her, but I swear we mean her no harm.”

  “How can I trust that though?”

  Bloom sighs. “Because she’s my Great-aunt. The only relative I have left from my Dad’s side.”
  Naven looks over his shoulder at Nick. Nick gives a barely noticeable nod. They both bring their attention back to Bloom, but Nick is the one who speaks this time. “We’ll tell you how to find her. But I’ll warn you it’s not an easy journey. At least a day of hiking. And you need to be careful when you get close, because if you’re unwanted they won’t hesitate to attack.”

  Naven pulls out paper and starts writing out directions. Nick continues to explain the set up. “There will be several others with her. All wolves. All willing to lay down their lives to protect her.”

  Chapter 10 – Pike

  I smell the wolves long before we reach the top of the mountain. There’s seven of them; two females, five males, and two of them are in their wolf forms. The idea of bringing Bloom into this unknown situation has my wolf on edge. He doesn’t like the idea of bringing our mate around these unfamiliar wolves who could possibly try to harm her, but we have no choice. Though we’re both beginning to think we traveled all this way and won’t find the person we’re looking for. We should be scenting a human among the wolves, but we’re not, and I’m hoping it’s because they’ve found a way to disguise her scent. If Naven and Nick Shaw sent us on a wild goose chase I’ll personally rip their throats out.

  I watch my mate as she climbs the slope in front of me. She’s trying to put up a strong front but I can hear her breathing, it’s not as strained as the night of our wedding, but it’s not back to normal either. I offered to carry her, but she refused my help like she’s been refusing my touch. When she willingly climbed into my lap at the Shaw packs house my wolf howled in relief, but it was short lived. Because since the migraines have taken hold I haven’t been able to get pass the pain rolling through my mate to reach our connection, and it’s keeping myself and my wolf on edge. Not being able to have that bond is causing the tiny bit of distance she’s putting between us to be like a knife to my heart, and each time she shies away from my touch the knife digs itself in a little deeper.

  Bloom struggles to climb over a fallen tree and I move to help her, but Bonnie beats me there. She’s taking care of my mate the way I should be able to, and as much as I want to hate her for taking my place I can’t because at least I know someone is there. Once she’s over the tree and continuing her way up the hill Bonnie looks back at me, a sympathetic look on her face. She mouths “sorry” before continuing to follow Bloom.

  I pick up a large branch that’s lying near my feet and throw it at the closest tree. It breaks into little pieces from the force and I smile, satisfied to watch something other than my heart break.

  An hour later we’re coming to the top of the mountain. I take the lead from Tucker as we enter the clearing, where we’re greeted by five of the seven wolves. They’re perched on the steps leading up to a rustic house. The oldest man steps a little closer as he looks us over (he’s clearly the Alpha here). His second follows at his side in wolf form. The two younger men, who I’d guess to be around my age, hold their ground right in front of the entry to the house with their arms crossed on their chests.

  I hold my hands up in a show of surrender as I speak. “We’re not here to cause any trouble. We’re looking for someone and we think she may be with you.”

  The older man opens his mouth to respond but before a sound can cross his lips there’s a shuffle behind the two younger men at the door. I watch as they move out of the way, an older woman walks out with a mug in her hand, and a she wolf on her heels. She looks over our small group and her eyes settle on Bloom. I could swear that they warm a little at the sight of her, but I can’t be sure. She makes her way to us and I expect the older man to step in front of her to protect her, but to my surprise all he does is give her a little wink as she passes. Her cheeks flame bright red, but she continues walking toward us. When we realize she’s going for Bloom; Bonnie, Tucker, and myself move in front of my mate to protect her.

  The woman stops directly in front of us and clucks her tongue as she chastises us. “Move out of the way, children. You didn’t come all this way to find me only to deny me access to my great-niece.”

  I take a deep breath, drawling in her scent. As I let it out I narrow my eyes and I ask. “How? You’re a wolf.”

  “It’s a long story wolf, and I promise to tell you, but right now you need to move so I can help your mate.”

  I let out a sigh before taking a step to the side so she can reach Bloom.

  Bonnie glares at me, and then turns her glare on the old lady. “You take her word that easily? She could be a wolf-witch, and that could be her evil brew she’s planning on pouring down your mate’s throat!”

  “Bonnie Anne Harris, I give you my word that no harm will come to your Alpha. If I break that promise you can take my life yourself.” The old lady holds Bonnie’s eyes as she speaks to her.

  Bonnie watches her for a several seconds before she moves out of the way and swears. “One hair out of place and you’re going down. I don’t care if you’re older than Betty White. I have no qualms about taking out an old lady.”

  The old lady looks down at the she wolf at her side and chuckles. “She’s fiery. I like her!”

  The wolf snorts and shakes her head. If she could, she’d probably be rolling her eyes at the woman.

  Turning her attention back to Bloom the lady places the mug into my mates shaking hand. “Drink all of this, child. It’ll help ease the pain.”

  Bloom doesn’t hesitate. She places the cup to her lips and drinks the contents down in three large gulps. Handing the cup back to the lady she says in a weak voice. “Thank you.”

  “It’ll take a little while before the herbs kick in, but it’ll help lessen your pain. Now come inside, child. We have much to talk about.” She holds her hand out to Bloom, my mate takes her hand, and lets her guide her into the house.

  I stop by the older Alpha and introduce myself. “Pike Masterson.”

  “Forrest Savage.” He holds out his hand for me to shake.

  Taking his hand in a firm grip I ask. “Is the lady your mate?”

  He nods. “Her name is Amelia. We better get in there before she comes out after us with one of her frying pans.”

  I follow Forrest inside. The house has a huge stone fireplace that takes up the wall between the living room and kitchen. There are two mismatched couches and two rocking chairs placed in front of the fire, and a large hand-carved wood coffee table in the center. Amelia places Bloom on the end of one of the couches, facing away from the door and close to the rocking chairs. She hands her a light quilt to place over her legs, and then she sits in the rocking chair beside her. It’s a hot summer day, but my mate is trembling as if it’s the dead of winter and she has no heat. I move to take the seat beside her, but Bonnie beats me there. I suppress the growl that’s bubbling up my throat at her taking what should be my place. Instead of causing a scene I move to stand in front of the unlit fireplace. Forrest takes the rocker beside his mate and reaches for her hand. She willingly gives it and rewards his sweet gesture with a smile.

  Turning her smile on us she introduces herself. “I’m Amelia. I know you have many questions for me, and I’ll do my best to answer them all. But first will you answer me one?”

  Bloom nods her head.

  “I see that you carry your mate’s mark, but you’re still experiencing pain. Did you not complete your bonding ceremony?” Amelia looks between Bloom and myself.

  “We completed the ceremony. The pain didn’t start until Pike marked me.” Bloom’s voice trembles as she answers making sure to avoid eye contact with me. The knife in my heart digs itself a little deeper.

  “Could you explain your ceremony and everything that happened leading up to him marking you?” Amelia asks.

  Bloom tells her about our ceremony, the reception, and with crimson stained cheeks shyly explains everything that happened in our suite leading up to me marking her. Amelia listens intently, nodding at the appropriate times. When Bloom finishes a big smile spreads across Amelia’s and Forrest’s

  “You know what’s wrong.” I state.

  “We do.” they both answer with knowing grins on their faces.

  “Please tell us.” Bloom begs.

  “You might want us to do that in private.” Amelia warns.

  “No! We don’t have time to be coy. We need to know now.” I demand. I’m desperate to take away my mate’s pain.

  “Please.” Bloom pleads.

  “First, let me explain to you why you’re having this pain.” She looks at her mate for support and gives his hand a gentle squeeze. Turning back to us she begins her explanation. “When Pike marked you he took the last step needed to bring you into his pack. Being what you are opened you up fully to their connection. It’s that connection that’s causing your pain.” She pauses, expecting one of us to respond, but no-one says a word, probably from shock, so she continues. “Imagine the connection as a faucet. You turn the knob a little and you get a small trickle of water, not enough to make a mess, but enough to get what you need. Now, if you turn that knob full blast, water will be flooding your sink, and left uncontrolled it’ll quickly be coating your floors, causing all types of damage. By being marked your connection has been turned to full blast. You’re mentally receiving every pack member’s emotions, thoughts, and memories. It’s overwhelming your body.”

  “I’ve never heard of that happening.” I mumble more to myself than to anyone in the room.

  “You said being what I am caused this. What am I?” Bloom asks, scooting to the edge of the couch cushion.

  Amelia releases her mate’s hand, and leans forward to take both of Blooms into her own. Forrest looks at me, and responds to my statement. “It doesn’t happen, normally. Only a very few, rare couples experience this kind of reaction. Amelia and I were the last pair to go through it.”

  “Bloom you’re an Oracle. Just like every other female ever born into our family.” Amelia informs us watching her niece’s face closely.

  “I’m a w-w-what?” Bloom stutters.