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bloom daniels 02 - lightening bloom Page 3

  Pike doesn’t answer, but he does stand up with Bloom still in his arms and moves her to their bed. He lays her out on top of the pure white comforter, and then sits on the edge of the bed beside her. She rolls away from him, curling in on herself. I catch the hurt that crosses his face, but he pushes it away quickly to keep his focus on her.

  I go out to the living room to wait on Doc. When he comes running into the suite I stop him and give him the low down of what happened. I can tell by his face that he’s just as confused by this as I am. A mark should not cause the mated pain. Without saying anything he goes into the bedroom and I’m left alone pacing the living room floor.

  Bonnie comes running into the suite. I catch her around her middle to stop her from storming into Pike and Bloom’s room. Doc needs to focus. And I don’t want Pike ripping my mates head off, and in his current state and how Bonnie’s mouth doesn’t know how to stop running, it would surely happen. She punches my chest as she tries to push out of my arms.

  “Let me go!” She cries. “She needs me.”

  I twist both of her arms so they’re behind her back, trapped in one of my hands. Then using the other hand under her chin I lift her face to mine. “It’s not safe for you in there.”

  “I can take care of myself.” She spits out and tries to squirm out of my grip. Her squirming gets her no-where, so she gives up and resigns herself to glaring at me. If this was a different situation I’d find her trying to fight me and that glare damn cute, but it’s not.

  “Pike’s barely holding it together, Bonnie. I won’t let you go into such a volatile situation.” I try to reason with her.

  Her face gets red, and I see I’ve said the wrong thing before she even responds. “You won’t let me?” She goes back to trying to squirm out of my grip. “Screw you! My best friend is in that other room in pain and you won’t keep me away from her.”

  I shake her, hoping it’ll get her to stop struggling and listen to me. “Doc’s in there, checking her out. There’s nothing you can do for her right now.”

  She stops struggling and lets her head fall forward against my chest. She speaks her next words so softly that if I didn’t have my wolf hearing I would’ve never heard them. “I can feel her pain.”

  I hate having to move her off my chest, but I do it so I can see her face. “You can feel her pain?”

  Her tear filled eyes latch on to mine and she nods.

  I release her so I can scrub my hands over my face. Bonnie should not be feeling Bloom’s pain. The only reason she would is if she was officially made part of the pack by Pike and Bloom. Which she hasn’t been. Or if she was brought into the pack by us completing our mating. Which we haven’t. So how the hell is she feeling this?

  “What’s happening to me?” Bonnie asks, apparently she’s listening to my thoughts.

  “I’m not sure. We’ll ask Doc if he has any idea when he comes out.” I tell her going back to her and putting my arms around her. Normally she’d fight me over this, but at the moment she’s too distracted by worry.

  “You’ll ask me what?” Doc asks, walking back out of the bedroom. He’s looking down, fiddling with his supply bag.

  “Why would Bonnie be feeling Bloom’s pain?”

  Doc stops mid-step and his head snaps up to us. He looks at Bonnie intently without saying anything. Then he looks at me and answers. “She shouldn’t.” He collapses into the seat closest to him and shakes his head. “None of this makes sense.”

  I sit down in the seat across from him, pulling Bonnie down with me. “What?”

  Doc leans forward, putting his elbows on his knees, and his head on his hands. “I can’t find a reason why Bloom is in pain. Other than Pike marking her.” He stops talking and sits up straighter. “But we all know a marking doesn’t inflict pain.” He nods towards Bonnie. “And now your mate is connected to our Alpha female when she shouldn’t be. None of this is making sense.”

  “What do we do now?” I ask.

  “Call in the Elders. They may have some insight.” He stands up, grabbing his bag. “My medicine isn’t going to be of help here. I gave her pain medicine. I don’t think it’s going to help, but if it does I left more of it on her night stand.”

  I hold out my hand and he takes it, shaking it firmly. “Thanks.”

  “I wish I could’ve been more help. Call me if you want me to come back. But I believe this is a situation that calls for the Elders instead of me.” I nod in understanding. He leaves the room and I send out the call for the Elders. I also call for Emily and Kit. Emily is the only blood family Pike has left. With Bloom incapacitated, Emily may be the only one able to calm him.

  Chapter 7 – Pike

  “Alpha, the Elders are all here.” I lift my eyes to Tuckers voice. He’s standing in the door frame of the bedroom. His eyes are downcast, showing submission. It’s a smart step. My wolf is close to the surface, wanting to get out and help our mate. But he can’t help her no more than I can, and I can’t help at all. She’s curled in on herself in our bed, whimpering. My touch isn’t doing anything to soothe her, and neither is the medicine Doc gave her. I’m praying that the Elders can help somehow, but I’m hesitant to leave my mate’s side. I’m worried she’ll get worse if I do.

  “Go, Pike.” Emily says, placing her hand on my shoulder, drawing my attention to her. She arrived shortly before the Elders and took up a silent station by my side. “I’ll keep an eye on her for you and if anything changes I’ll come for you immediately.”

  I give in with a nod. Then I stand and lean into the bed, placing a kiss on Blooms forehead. “I’ll be back soon, Darlin’. I’m going to go try to find a way to help you.” She whimpers some more, but other than that doesn’t say anything. I sigh and follow Tucker out of the room. As I’m coming out Bonnie slips in. I expected her to be in there before now, but for some reason she’s been absent. It confuses me as to why she wouldn’t have come immediately to her friend’s side, but I don’t have time to figure that out right now.

  The Elders are all sitting around the dining room table. I take a seat at the head and Tucker takes the empty seat at my right. I scan all of their faces, hoping I’ll see something encouraging, but I’m met only with worry, concern, and confusion. Damn!

  “Has Tucker briefed you all?” I ask. There are yes’ and nods around the table, so I continue. “Have any of you seen or heard of this before?” No’s sound from the people around the table and I hang my head in defeat. If the Elders and Doc can’t help I don’t know where else to turn.

  “We can send out request to other packs. Maybe another Elder has seen this.” Elder Isla Drake suggests. She places her hand over mine from her seat at my left. I meet her eyes and see the hope there.

  I straighten in my seat. “Elder Andrew, you have several connections to other packs. Can you get started on contacting them?”

  “I’ll go start my calls now.” He replies as he moves to stand.

  “Wait.” A small voice calls from behind us, pulling all of our attention to its owner. Bloom is standing in the doorway, holding on to Bonnie so she won’t collapse to the floor. Her beautiful skin is ashen and she looks so frail. I rush to her side and lift her into my arms. I plan on carrying her back to bed, but she stops me. “No, Pike.”

  “You shouldn’t be out of bed.”

  She lifts her hand to my jaw. She hesitates ever so briefly before touching me, but continues on placing her tiny hand against my face. The hesitation strikes a blow to my heart, but I push the hurt down because I can tell it’s taking her a lot of effort to do these simple movements. “This is important, Tennessee. Take me back to the table with you.”

  I want to protest, but I can’t. If she has something to contribute I need to let her. I take my seat back at the head of the table with her in my arms. She may be shying away from my touch, but I can’t not have her with me when I know she’s hurting. I try to move as little as possible, because I can tell the littlest of movement is causing her pain. Bonnie takes up a st
ance to the back right of my chair. I ignore her and focus on my mate. “What do you need to tell us, Darlin’?”

  Her eyes are focused on me instead of the people at the table. “We need to find my Great-aunt.”

  “We will, but not until we get you better.”

  “No, we need to go now. My gut is telling me she’ll be able to help.” I feel the tremor of pain rock her body as she speaks. I wish I can take her pain away, make it my own, anything so she isn’t going through this.

  "We’re not sure exactly where to find her.” Tucker chimes in as the voice of reason.

  “We know she’s in West Virginia.” Bonnie speaks up.

  Tucker looks up at her. “But we don’t know where. And we can’t drag Bloom around the state trying to find the place in her condition.”

  Elder Andrew Cade, who hasn’t sit back down joins the conversation again. “It’s a start. I know an Alpha from a pack there. Maybe he’ll know her or be able to point us to someone who does.”

  “Thank you, Elder Andrew. Please, go do that now.” He gives a quick nod and then exits the room. I turn my attention back to the people still in the room. “If any of the rest of you have any contacts in that area, please go do the same. We need to find this woman as soon as possible.”

  They all nod. Elder Fina and Elder Darius get up and leave the room. I presume to get in touch with contacts they have. The remaining Elders, Isla and Cathal, stay seated.

  “I think we should get packed and on the road. Maybe by the time we make it to West Virginia we’ll have an exact location on this Aunt.” Bonnie suggests from her post behind me.

  “I don’t think we should be moving Bloom until we know for sure that’s where we need to be.” I answer in response.

  Bloom’s hand loosely grasps my shirt, grabbing my attention. “Yes, Darlin’?”

  “My guts telling me West Virginia is right.” Her eyes flutter close as she talks. She’s on the verge of passing out from the pain. “We need to leave.”

  Elder Cathal Burke speaks up. “Your mate is right. You need to get on the road.”

  “But her condition…” Tucker and I both start at the same time.

  Cathal holds up his hand to stop us. “I think I have a solution that will make the journey a little more comfortable for our Alpha female. Pack your bags and then come meet me out front.”

  I nod, deciding to trust the Elder wolf.

  Chapter 8 – Bonnie

  “You’re freakin’ brilliant.” I tell the Elder as I pat him on the back, and grab for the keys hanging from his out stretched hand. His brilliant idea is to loan us his sweet RV. The thing is huge and even from the outside I can tell its top of the line. It’ll make Bloom a lot more comfortable on the ten plus hour drive to West Virginia.

  Tucker beats me to the keys, shaking his head. “No way are we letting you drive us.”

  Crossing my arms across my chest, and narrowing my eyes, I ask. “And why is that?”

  “Because you’re hell on wheels. You know exactly how you are behind the wheel, and you know we need to get Bloom to West Virginia in one piece.” He puts his hand on the back of my neck to pull me into his side so he can whisper in my ear. “Stop giving me that look, Bonnie-bean, or you’ll force me to take you into that RV and spank that cute little ass.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.” I say way to breathy as I try to pull away.

  He holds me firmly in place and continues. “I would. And I’d enjoy every minute of it.”

  My mouth drops open in what I wish I could say was shock, but really is awe. Being the annoying, mind reading, shifter that he is, he picks up on that thought and flashes me a grin that’s pure predator. I roll my eyes and finally succeed in pushing away from him. As I stomp up the steps of the RV I hear Tucker chuckling.

  “Annoying freakin’ dogs.” I grumble to myself. His chuckle gets louder.

  “Can’t I at least grumble without you spying on me?” I ask through our bond.


  “I hate you!” I spit back.

  “You love me and you know it.” He arrogantly responds.

  “Hate! Not love. Get it right.” I correct him as I throw my bag on one of the plush leather couches in the cabin. I was so right. This place is top of the line. Leather couches and chairs. Flat screen TV’s. Stainless steel appliances in the kitchen area. Mahogany cabinets and trim. And I haven’t even got a look at the back area of this beast.

  “You forget I can read your thoughts.” Tucker pulls me back into our conversation.

  “So. All you’re getting is my mental perusal of this high end tin can.”

  “Not what I was talking about.”

  “Then, oh furry one, please tell me what it is you are referring to.”

  “I meant that you can’t deny you love me. Because I can read your thoughts.” I can hear the arrogance in his voice and it pisses me off. Time to end this. Now.

  “This conversation is over!” He once again chuckles at me, but thankfully doesn’t try to continue our talk.


  Ten hours of my life passed by as annoyingly as possible. I learned that Pike, the big bad Alpha, is extremely broody. He seriously reminds me of a PMS-ing, teenage girl, who just found out her favorite candy bar has been discontinued. But I guess I can excuse that seeing as he’s worried about my bestie. But Tucker is a different story. In the last ten hours I’ve learned he knows every country love song known to man and he can freakin’ whistle them all. Worse while he’s whistling, through our connection he’s also singing along. Seriously! There is nothing worse than being stuck in a tin can for ten hours (it doesn’t matter if that tin can is luxury or not) and having to listen to an over-grown wolf whistle and sing “When You Say Nothing At All”. I put up with “I’d Just Love to Lay You Down”, “It’s Your Love”, “I Cross My Heart”, and about a hundred other songs. But at this point I’m so tired of what he’s trying to say with all these songs he keeps butchering that I explode. I grab the nearest throw pillow and hurl it at his big head. “Shut up! I don’t love you. Stop lying about loving me. Just stop!”

  Tucker is in the passenger seat and as soon as the pillow connects with his head the whistling stops and he turns in his seat and glares at me. The air in the room goes electric and I feel like I can’t breathe. Looks like I found another way to piss him off. I’ll have to file that away so I remember, if I can figure out if it was throwing stuff at his head of yelling at him that did the trick. I look away from the heat in his eyes, and find Pike watching me from the rear view mirror. He shakes his head, and then turns his attention back to the road. No help there. I look to Bloom to see if I’ll find any help from her. She’s watching Tucker and me with wide eyes and looks about as lost as I am. I guess I’ll have to help myself.

  Tucker stands and stalks to me. With every step he takes towards me I scoot further across the couch. “Tucker, stop.” He ignores my command so I try another. “Sit, boy.” That does nothing so I grab another pillow off the couch and throw it behind him. “Fetch.”

  He gets completely in my space. Climbing onto the couch so his body is almost on top of me, his face is mere inches from mine. I scoot back the last little bit I can, trying to put some kind of distance between us, and in the process I knock off my bag scattering the contents all over the floor.

  Tucker looks at the contents of my bag, shakes his head, and then gets right back in my face. Growling he says. “You can deny your feelings for me all you want. I’ll handle that, because I know you need time to come to terms with them. But, you do not insinuate the feelings I have for you are not real. And you sure as hell don’t accuse me of lying about those feelings. Do you get me?”

  I realize now is not the time to push his buttons so I keep my mouth shut and nod my head.

  “Good.” He leans down and grabs one of the items that fell out of my bag and holds it up. “Now, explain to me why the hell you have an arsenal in your bag.”

  I try to
grab the gun out of his hand, but he holds it above his head, out of my reach. He cocks his eyebrow, non-verbally letting me know I better talk or pay the consequences. Which by reading his mind I can tell is either going to be a breath stealing kiss or a spanking. He’s leaning more towards the spanking. Kinky freakin’ wolf.

  “Fine.” I push against his chest and he moves back to sit on the opposite end of the couch, the gun still in his hand.

  “Why are you holding a gun?” Pike calls from the driver’s seat. Bloom, who is still curled up on the other couch, starts laughing at the situation. It’s not her normal laugh, because the sound is laced with her pain. I’m on the verge of going over to comfort her when Tucker stops me. “Explain first.”

  “It’s for protection.” I state the obvious.

  “You’re in the company of wolves. We can tear a man apart with nothing more than our teeth. Why the hell do you feel the need to carry...” He looks at the floor, taking stock of everything that fell out of my bag. “Three guns and enough ammo to supply a small country.”

  Bloom snorts and another round of the pain infused laughter takes her over. Tucker glances at her and asks. “What’s so funny?”

  Between the laughing she responds. “I bet you my favorite pair of boots she has more than three guns in that bag.”

  “Snitch!” I accuse, Bloom, affectionately. Causing her to stick her tongue out at me.

  “What else did you bring?” Tucker asks, exasperated.

  I bite my bottom lip, contemplating how much I should reveal.

  “All of it, Bonnie.” Tucker warns as he rubs his temples, as if he can actually get a headache.

  I release my lip and lay it all out. “Six hand guns, two shot guns, a hunting knife, pepper spray, a taser, and I’m not even sure how much ammo. I guess you could just say a lot.”