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bloom daniels 02 - lightening bloom Page 8

  “Were you expecting a five star resort to be hidden out here?”

  “Of course not.”

  “I didn’t think so.” She holds out her arm. “Now stop trying to stall. You have a giant wolf who’s anxious to see you.”

  I twist my arm through hers, but before she can start leading me to Tucker I stop to take a deep breath and release it. I agreed to this. It’s time to put on my big girl panties and get the job done.

  “I’m ready.”

  Together we walk out of the woods and into the clearing. I’m not expecting much. How can I? I threw this out there only a few short hours ago. That didn’t leave a lot of time to plan, not to mention being pretty far from any sort of store. But still the view that meets my eyes takes my breath. A small clearing is lit with an aisle made of mismatched candles. The sun is setting so the once blue sky is now streaked with hues of purples, pinks, and oranges. As we start down the aisle, music starts up. I look around and find Rhett strumming a guitar. It’s not the traditional wedding march but instead a soft, sweet melody. He and the rest of the Savage pack are seated on quilts on the ground, lining either side of the makeshift aisle. But after the quick glance around to see where the music was coming from, my eyes move straight ahead and get locked with the man waiting on me.

  I feel like gravity is pulling me to him. I can’t stop it, nor do I want to. The reservation I have is still here, just buried deeper in my head as my heart opens itself to him and takes the lead. I’m walking faster, practically pulling Bloom along with me. Tucker doesn’t give me a chance to get to him. He walks away from Pike, and on sure feet heads straight for me. I let go of Bloom and start to run. My arms latch on to his neck. His hands take my waist and lift me. My legs go around his waist with my feet lacing at the small of his back. Our lips lock and I give up the fight. This is right.

  "About time you felt it." Tucker says through our bond. I pull back from the kiss enough to look at his face. The big beast is grinning at me. I roll my eyes at his arrogance, and then place a peck on the tip of his nose.

  "Put me down you big goof. You're holding up the ceremony."

  "If I recall, you were the one who came barreling down the aisle and jumped into my arms. Not the other way around." He laughs, playfully swatting my behind with one of his humungous hands.

  "Keep your paws to yourself, Cujo! And you came walking after me, too, so you're just as much to blame for the hold up as I am."

  "I'll happily take part of the blame." He drops his head closer to mine and switches to using our connection. "But as for my paws they'll be firmly planted on some part of your body all evening, so you might as well go ahead and give up that fight right now. You're mine and I plan on getting to know every inch of you."

  "Okay, it's really time to put me down." I tell him my voice low and shaky.

  "Nah." He laughs as he spins us around. With my body still wrapped around his, he carries me to the end of the aisle, not letting me go till we're directly in front of Pike. I slide down his body and move to put some space between us. But being the overbearing man that he is, he maneuvers me back to his side with his arm across my lower back, and his hand staking claim of my hip.

  "Possessive." I grumble.

  "Absolutely." He responds instantly.

  I shake my head, and then finally taking notice of Pike say. "Let's get this going, Big Bad."

  Pike throws his head back in a laugh. I feel Bloom taking the spot beside me, having finally caught up to Tucker and I after our little show. I look over in time to see her watching her mate laugh, but then she turns her smiling face to me and winks.

  When his laugh dies out he's smiling, as well. "You're going to keep everyone on their toes. Aren't you?"

  "Abso-freakin'-lutely." I say, adding my own twist to Tucker's earlier response.

  He shakes his head, but since he's still smiling I figure he's looking forward to having a pain in the butt like me in his pack. "Ready to start?" He asks.

  "You're the one holding us up now." I sass.

  He looks at Tucker. "Sure you don't want to run?"

  Somehow Tucker manages to pull me tighter to his side. "I like the sass."

  "To each his own." Pike chuckles. The chuckles dies, he clears his throat, and then he addresses everyone. "Today is the first time I reside over a mating since taking the position of Alpha. And I'm pleased to say that I get to do so for my closest friend. I know you two are still learning about each other. But that's the way of our wolves. They find who they want. They claim them. And they let everything else work itself out later. We're lucky enough that they know who's made for them. And you two are surely made for each other. We all know you've had little time to prepare but Tucker would you like to say your mating vows?"

  Tucker uses his big body to position me the way he wants. So we're now facing with our bodies practically glued together. My hands are resting on his chest, and his are resting on my lower back. Part of me wants to snap off a sassy response to his possessive move, but I stomp that part into the ground because I'm embracing this moment and that includes my mate’s alpha tendencies. Tucker watches my face with a grin. He's reading my mind and he's liking the thoughts. I roll my eyes at him. He shoves his head into my neck and squeezes me tighter while he chuckles.

  His head comes back up, the happiness radiating from his every pore. His goofy smile stretches to unbelievable proportions. Then he starts his vows and they steal the breath from my body. "Unlike others I didn't think about who my mate would be. I didn't send out silent prayers for the heavens to make her stunning and sweet. I didn't dream of this day and what it would be like or how I'd feel when I found you. I just had faith that they would know who was best for me and they'd bring her to me. I can say that I didn't expect you to come into my life so soon. We're both young. Some will say it's too soon for us to find our one. But screw those people. I'm going to take every day God gives me with you, and I'm going to cherish it like the precious gift it is. He made us for each other, and I trust that he knows what he's doing. I know you have your doubts and I understand them, but I promise that every day we have together on this earth that I'll find a way to prove how much you mean to me. I'll be your strength when you don't have your own. I'll be at your back supporting you in every challenge that comes your way. I'll be the shoulder for you to cry on. The ear for you to vent your frustrations to. The arms to hold you when you need comforted. And my heart will forever give you its love because you are my one true mate."

  Chapter 18 - Tucker

  Bonnie melts deeper into my arms, not that she can come much closer. I'm already holding her so close and so tight that we can easily be confused for one person. Yet somehow she manages to bring herself tighter against me. My right hand slides up and into the hair hanging loose down her back. I tip my head down closer to hers and whisper. "It's your turn, Bonnie-bean."

  "How do I follow that?" She asks on her own whisper. I'm not used to this sweet side of my normally feisty mate. She's shown it to Bloom, but she's never directed her sweetness at me. And damn if I don't love it. I press a kiss to the tip of her nose and tell her.

  "Tell me how you feel. The words don't have to be flowery. Just honest."

  She gets an evil gleam in her eye and her mouth curls into a smile. "Honest, huh?"

  "Yep, honest." I confirm, a little nervous what'll come out of her sassy mouth.

  "Well...You drive me nuts." The people around us chuckle, but she continues. "You came crashing into my life, latched on to me and won't let go. Even though I've tried to push you away more than once. You're bossy, goofy, and inhumanly large. But you're also caring, protective, and completely loyal. You challenge me, tease me, and for some reason love me. I'm not going to be an easy mate to have. I'm going to drive you nuts in return and push you to your breaking point. But I promise I'll stand by you through our hard times. I'll protect you even when you don't think you need me to. I'll do my best to make you laugh when you're sad. Because of everything that makes y
ou, well, you, I love you. And I will till the day I take my last breath, because you are my one true mate."

  "I knew you love me."

  "You're never going to let me forget it, are you?"

  "Never." I tell her as I take her mouth. Behind us I hear Pike announce us as officially mated. There's cheers from our small group of guests but it's all faint background noise while I enjoy the feel of my mate pressed to me, not struggling for once, as I drink in her kiss.


  "Congratulations, brother." Pike says with a slap on my back.

  "Thanks." I reply without taking my eyes off my mate. She's standing across the field with the other ladies. Her and Bloom have their arms around each other's waists as they lean into one another. They appear happy, and I have to say it's a good look. I'm not going to think about the fight ahead taking this away from us. Not tonight. We all need this little bit of peace.

  "She fought you tooth in nail on this mating, but I have to say she looks pretty damn happy now that your bond is in place."

  "That she does."

  "Don't fuck up your mating night like I did." He teases, causing me to full on laugh.

  "I'll try not to." I reply once I'm able to control my laughter. Bonnie's arms slide around my waist as she presses herself to me, front to front. I put one hand at her waist as the other goes to her neck. Her head tilts back and she beams up at me.

  "Dance with me." She commands instead of asking.

  I don't hesitate in putting my arms around her to guide her into the center of the clearing. I'm not a man who dances but for my mate I'll do anything. Even if that anything means stumbling my oversized frame around a clearing in the middle of the night. I lift her up and she wraps her legs around my waist, lays her head on my shoulder, and I sway us to the music Rhett is playing on his guitar.

  "Perfect." She purrs against my neck.

  "That you are." I respond.

  She places a kiss to my neck and then with her lips still pressed to my skin smiles. "I meant this night has been perfect. I don't know how you pulled this all together with only a few hours, but you did. And you made it perfect. The only thing missing is my parents."

  "If I could've got them here I would have. I promise we'll have a wedding ceremony after we get back and everything settles. You'll have your big wedding with your parents, and the perfect dress." I promise as I kiss her exposed neck.

  "That'll be nice.” She gets quiet for several seconds before she whispers. “We have to make it through this next obstacle first."

  I stop swaying, and place her feet on the ground so I can look in her eyes. "I don't want to ruin tonight by talking about the bad that's coming our way."

  "Tuck..." She starts to protest.

  "No." I take the back of her neck so I can tilt her head up as I bring mine down close. "We'll enjoy tonight and then we will make it through the bad that's coming. No other option, Bonnie. I refuse to have any other outcome."

  "You're rather bossy."

  "When it comes to your happiness or safety, hell yeah."

  "Fine." She smiles. "Tonight we'll focus on the happy and tomorrow we'll deal with the hell."

  "How about we enjoy the happy in private?" I suggest with a grin.

  I feel a shiver go through her just as she responds. "Private sounds good."

  "Oh, it will be." I tell her as I lift her into both of my arms and storm out of the clearing.


  The room has no candles or flower pedals to mark the moment as special, but that doesn't take away from the beauty of the night. With a knee to the bed I lay her out on the simple quilt covered mattress and cover her body with mine. She takes my mouth in a soft, sweet kiss that even in its gentleness has my desire rocketing to new heights.

  Her body arches against mine, giving me the ability to slip my hand to her back. The zipper comes down easily and I detach my lips from hers to press them to her shoulder as I slide the fabric down her arm. I expose the silky skin right above the swell of her left breast, knowing her heart beats directly beneath. I place a kiss there right as I tell her. "This is where I want my mark."

  "I thought you had to mark my neck?" She asks with wide eyes.

  "It can be placed anywhere. Some choose to have it in a visible spot like the neck." I kiss her neck as I explain. "But I prefer to think of a mark as an intimate thing between mates, so I’d prefer it to be somewhere only we'll see."

  "Unless I start wearing hooker clothes or flashing the pack." She teases, causing me to growl.

  "Spanking you is sounding like a better and better idea."

  "I might like it." She sighs as she runs her fingers up my shoulders and neck, to lace them through my hair. I drop my forehead to hers as I warn. "Bonnie, I'm holding on by a threat here. You keep that up and there'll be a marking of your chest, and an accident in my pants. And no good stuff for you."

  "So your telling me that I'm going to keep my V-card forever since my mate's an early releaser?"

  "Early Releaser?"

  "You know, you ejac..."

  "I know what you mean." I run my hands down her sides, pulling more of the dress down as I go. "I guess I need to prove your assumption wrong."

  "That would be good." She uses her grip on my hair to put my mouth where she wants it. "But first, I want my mark."

  "It's yours." My teeth lengthen into my fangs and I sink them into her supple skin, claiming her with my mark from now into eternity.

  Chapter 19 - Pike

  The smell of coffee brewing draws me away from my sleeping mate and into the kitchen. Forrest and Heath are seated at the table, each with a cup in hand.

  "Mind if I join you?"

  "Come on in. Coffee's on the stove. There are cups on the counter." Forrest warmly offers

  "Thanks." I reply as I go through the motions of making myself a cup. The steaming hot drink in hand I take a seat at the table, opposite Heath. Three gulps into enjoying the bitter brew Forrest speaks up. "We think we should accompany y'all back to Tennessee." He hesitates. "If you'll welcome us there that is."

  I look up and over at the older wolf, sitting at the head of the table. He's watching me just as closely as I now am him. This would be a big step for his wolves, and a huge help for mine. But I need to know he's thought this through. Securing yourself in a mountain hideaway is one thing, doing so in the modern world is a completely different beast. "Coming out of these woods could put your pack at risk."

  "We've been in hiding for way too long. I know it's a dangerous choice, but it's one we all feel we need we need to make. Amelia wants to help Bloom with her gifts. Tillie's mentioned training Bonnie. And these boys of ours need to be around the fairer sex if they ever hope to find their mates." The last sentence warrants a chuckle from Heath.

  "Those boys are wild. There’s not a woman alive, human or wolf, who'll put up with any of their shit."

  "Might be so, but we've got to give them a chance to find out. I sure as heck haven't seen any single females wandering into these woods for the boys to scoop up."

  I break into their bickering. "If you're sure this is what you want, then we'd be more than happy to have you visit. We could sure use the extra help with a threat lingering overhead."

  "I don't think I asked this right." He looks to his Beta for guidance. Heath shrugs his shoulders and grumbles. "Seemed straight forward to me." I have no clue what I'm missing. And these two aren't being very helpful in explaining.

  Tillie walks into the room in the middle of this confusion. A couple freshly skinned rabbits hang from ropes in her hands. She tosses them on to the counter and starts the water running in the sink. As the sink fills she turns to us, leaning back with her elbows resting on the counter top. "So did you agree to let us join your pack?"

  "Join? Not visit?" I ask, surprise clearly in my voice. My head whips between the three of them as I wait for one of them to explain.

  "Yeah, that's what I was trying to say."
Forrest says with a snap and point of his fingers in Tillie's direction.

  "But you're an Alpha!"

  "And I never wanted to be one. I had to become one to ensure my mate's safety. I don't regret that decision for a minute, but I feel now's the time to step down from that position. The problem is none of our boys are ready for that responsibility. So after talking with the rest of our little pack it was decided we'd see if we could join yours."

  I scrub my hands over my face in an attempt to gather myself. This is a hell of a shock. "I feel like I keep asking this, but I have to do it again." I drop my arms to the table and look the man dead in the eye. "Are you sure?"

  "Amelia's gifts are sure and that's more than enough for me. She believes we can trust you with our lives. That means so do I."

  Before I can respond, not that I know how to respond, Bloom walks in. She comes right to me, leans against my back, wraps her arms around me, and kisses my temple. She's the perfect start to my day. Simple as that.

  "Morning." She greets the rest of the room with a smile. They respond in like and she asks. "Can I have some juice?"

  "You sure can." Amelia answers as she joins us. She goes to the cabinets, ignores the bloody rabbit carcasses on the counter, grabs a glass, and heads to the fridge. "We have apple, grape, and orange. Which do you want, sweetie?"

  "Apple, please. But I can get it myself."

  "It's not some big inconvenience. Plus, I like mothering, even in these little ways." She explains as she pours the juice into the glass, and then hands it over to Bloom.

  "Well, thank you."

  "You're welcome." Amelia responds back, with a pleased look. Then she whirls around to start pulling pans from the cabinets. She snaps at Tillie. "Get those things cleaned and out of my way. It's too early in the morning for me to be dealing with your bloody messes. How do you expect me to fix breakfast for my great niece with dead bunnies spoiling the space?"

  Tillie picks up the rabbits and drops them into the water filled sink. She grabs a sponge and cleaning solution and works on the dirty counter. Amelia watches until she's satisfied her orders are being followed, then she goes back to starting breakfast.